Theatre IV’s Tenth Annual Fairy Tale Ball
Logo, invitation, reply card, poster, and envelopes for a yearly charity event.
Illustrator // Robert Meganck
MFA Thesis Exhibition Catalog
64-page catalog for VCU exhibition at the Anderson Gallery in Richmond, VA. Available at the gallery during the opening and also mailed to prospective MFA Candidates.
AIGA’s Greater Richmond Awards for Design Excellence (GRADE)
Self-mailing poster, postcard, program, online banners, and certificate for AIGA awards event.
Illustrator // Robert Meganck
Miss Derringer
Logo, CD packaging, promotional ideas, and myspace page designed for an LA-based band.
Deutsch + Adweek
Landing page that was updated each day during Adweek, featuring data visualization charts, videos, Twitter, and Flickr feeds.
Live Out Loud
Website for a non-profit organization that connects LGBT youth to LGBT professionals in their community.